Fresh off the lab

The only difference between science and screwing around is writing it down

Who am I

My mom hired a teacher to teach me programming when I was in 4th grade.
Ever since I’ve first hit Compile on that old copy of Borland Turbo Pascal I’ve been hooked.

Home screen of Borland Turbo Pascal 6

Back in 2005 I’ve found the amazing world of Linux through magazines at the newsagents’, and another love was born.

In 2010 I installed my first proper Linux server at home on an old netbook, and I’ve had at least one box always running at home ever since.
On It I’ve learned the basics of sysadmin, databases, re-learned programming, parsed logs, filtered ports and even had a working install of LXC in 2012 backed by ZFS, before containers were “cool”

In 2013 I started working as a network and collaboration engineer, and even in my first internship I was “the script guy”.

Times have changed and technology has leapt forward.
This is my journey to DevOps.